
mayan ruins chichen itza

former capital of the Mayan culture, Chichen Itza is an archaeological site is located east of the state of Yucatan, 120 km. Merida, on highway No.. 180 bound for Cancun. Its climate is hot and dry, with an average annual temperature of 34 ° C. In this place, declared World Heritage by UNESCO, may be transported to pre-Hispanic times to discover the secrets that have their most important buildings: The Castle or Pyramid of Kukulcan, where every year during the spring equinox, there is a natural phenomenon of light and shadows projected on the steps of the Great Pyramid, making the image of the "feathered serpent", a unique experience that attracts hundreds of tourists from around the world, the biggest ball game of He has discovered in the region known as Mesoamerica, with 168 m long and 70 wide, and the Observatory or "Caracol", named for its unusual circular shape in its interior recreates the spiral that identifies the mollusc shell . In Chichen Itza can also admire the spectacular Sacred Cenote, a large body of water 60 meters in diameter, great treasures have been recovered: rings, necklaces and objects of gold and jade, as well as skeletons of young women who were thrown into the This cenote water as part of offerings to Chac Mayan god of rain. Chichen Itza is an ideal destination not only for those who like archeology, but also for those who enjoy history and the encounter with the great civilizations of the past.

About Chichen Itza

The route of the East. This route offers the opportunity to experience the splendor of the archaeological remains of the area. It is advisable to do with transportation or car rental. The route starts at the archaeological site of Chichen Itza, located 120 km east of Merida, on the federal road no. 180 bound for Cancun, enjoy the impressive architecture and more aware of the site's history through its museum and the spectacle of sound and light. " After visiting the archaeological site and admire the Sacred Well, they can go to 6 km below Balamkanché caves, a place that served as a Mayan ceremonial center, inside, there are remains of many offerings and the throne of Balam , a kind of altar that gave name to these caves. N º Continuing along the road. 180, 40 km farther reaches Valladolid, the second oldest city in the Yucatan. You can make an evening stroll through the downtown to buy crafts and eat the dishes, be sure to visit the district of La Candelaria, one of the most colorful and legendary. Around here, and to close this route, you can visit the archaeological site of Ek 'Balam, located 26 km from Valladolid on the road to Cancun, this site has 45 buildings, including a game ball and a good bow, protected by two concentric walls of stone. It also has snakes hieroglyphics, which are beautifully carved monuments of stone blocks.

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