
The city of Mérida, a land of magic charm, is located in the state of Yucatan

The city of Mérida, a land of magic charm, is located in the state of Yucatan, 177 km from the city of Campeche and 320 km from Cancun, due to its location in the tropics has temperatures ranging from 28 to 35 ° C? during most of the year, "that cool with the breeze that provides its proximity to the coast, even in winter.

Founded on the ruins of the Maya city of T? Ho, which means "face to infinity", Merida is known as the "White City" for its beautiful colonial buildings, made of stone and mortar, "that meet, as few cities in the country, history, art, tradition and culture. In its historical center can meet its imposing Cathedral of the XVIth century building, visit its interesting museums such as the Archaeological Yucatan, housed in the Palacio Canton, elegant era building porfiriana, and go on a "buggy", a kind of carriage pulled by horses, the most important avenue of the city: Paseo Montejo, which include but beautiful old houses and buildings of the nineteenth century from leading hotels thus combining history and modernity.

In Merida you can taste the delicious dishes that identify the Yucatan cuisine: papadzules and panuchos, made with corn tortillas filled and topped with traditional hot sauce and roasted suckling pig, made with pork and soaked in orange juice, which is served with beans and onion.

From this city also may start to an exciting journey which will let you know, a few kilometers from Merida, old henequen haciendas, now converted into luxury hotels, amazing "cenotes", mirrors connected underground water and beautiful scenery and the Biosphere Reserve Ria Celestun, inhabited by hundreds of pink flamingos, as well as spectacular archaeological sites that reveal the greatness of the ancient Maya: Uxmal, and Chichen Itza Dibilchaltún, located a few kilometers from the "White City."


Path to the interior of Merida. Long ago the city of Merida was limited by seven arches, of whom survive: San Juan, west of the city, and the Dragon and the Bridge, located to the east, where you can start a tour of the main streets and buildings of the "White City."

Continuing along Calle 61 will find the former headquarters of Dragons, which also worked, during the s. XVIII, as a hospital, for, from there, continue walking towards the center to the famous Paseo Montejo, the most important avenue of the city, full of restaurants, shops and shopping centers housed in beautiful buildings from the late nineteenth century .

There you can admire the Monument to the Nation, homage to the sculptural art of the ancient Maya, which displays images of the most important in the history of Mexico, is the work of Rómulo Rozo, who also created some structures that decorate the Park Americas, the most beautiful city of Merida.

Walking along 59th Street will find the Pinacoteca do Estado "Juan Gamboa Guzman", which exhibit works of different national and foreign artists from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries. Continuing on the same street you can admire the buildings of the Autonomous University of Yucatan and the Casa de Cultura, then interned in one of their traditional neighborhoods such as the Church of the Third Order, located on 60th Street with 59, the Santa Lucia, Calle 60 to 55, every Sunday night is full of artists offering all kinds of crafts, and snacks stalls Yucatan, and Santa Ana, located on 60th Street with 57 where you can admire several churches and squares.

Following the tour you can visit the Ateneo Peninsular, French-influenced architectural work built in 1916 to finally reach the main square, the perfect place to eat in the restaurants or visit the Cathedral, the Municipal Palace and the House Handicrafts of the Mayab, located on 65th Street.

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